Thursday, March 15, 2007


So many journal websites, so little time. *smiles* I have a lot of journals over here I try to keep up with, so I decided to make one of my own.

My writing announcements take place over here: WandererInGray at Live Journal so you can check that out for more information.

We'll see how this goes. *grins* Feel free to comment and with luck I'll remember to check back here more than once a month!


C.J. Redwine said...

Okay, I'm here. I click on the other link and find more of you there but I love the idea of Pen and Sword in Accord. (

I have a close friend who collects Japanese swords, loves samauri movies, and reads fantasy religiously. We broaden each others horizons...he teaches me about ancient weaponry -which is way cool - I teach him the ancient art of bargaining for some kicking shoes. Or I would if he would get it through his thick skull that a person needs more than one pair...

C.J. Redwine said...

Took at look at grey stone dreams. Are you the poster with the cool "Rebel" avatar? *feels slight twitch of avatar envy...see blog for more details*

I don't want to be more foolish than is stricly necessary by commenting on someone else's post as if it were you and having them wonder who the crazy lady is.

WandererInGray said...

*grins* I am. (though the tricky thing with LJ avs is other people can have the same one *head desk*)

I'm a bit of a freak and actually have three LJ accounts -


#1 is my more personal account
#2 is my writing account
#3 is for my fanfiction, random story pieces and other stuff that doesn't fit in the first two. :D

Like I mentioned in my post back in your account, I don't have any of the writing I'm trying to get published (though phase of gray has some stuff from the same world) so if you would like to look at those just let me know!

BlueDragoon25 said...

Wow. I found your profile through CJ Redwines. All I can say is wow. Your profile is like something I wish mine was. Your music and movie list is almost a mirror of mine. I wish my sign was dragon =( Haha. Nice to stumble upon it hear, guess I've found another interesting blog to read other than CJ's. =)

WandererInGray said...

*waves* Hey Malystryx!

Am I correct in assuming you're the friend who collects swords that CJ mentioned above? Very sweet. I've got a few myself (of various kinds)

I may start double posting stuff of interest from the other journals here sometime. Haven't figured out yet how much time that's going to eat up.


BlueDragoon25 said...

Yes I am. haha. I have a collection of over 100 knives and exactly 5 daggers, 21 swords, and a small variety of other weapons.
That would be cool. I have a lot of downtime during the weekdays, and I'm sure I would enjoy reading your blogs as well as CJ's.
I Appreciate your kindness.

WandererInGray said...

*smiles* No trouble at all!

BlueDragoon25 said...

Hey, I saw you liked Evanesence and Lacuna Coil. (By the way, I saw Amy Lee in concert last month, it was by far the best one I've been to beside Breaking Benjamin) Have you heard of Within Temptation? If not, you should look them up. If so, do you like them? Just wondering, passing along a recommendation. =)

WandererInGray said...

Hmmm have not. I'll have to check them out.